If you reached this page, then you probably already know who I am and some of my business accomplishments.
This page is to give you the details you need (and I need) in order to see if we can be a fit to possibly work together. I promise you that I will read EVERY application personally, and I will respond to you in a timely manner whether we can work together or not.

Just in case you need a refresher, here are some high level
bullet points of what I have done in my career:
Flipped over 650+ single family homes across multiple states between 2011 and 2022. Most known for my projects based in the Seattle/Tacoma market.
Currently buying in three separate out of state markets for Single Family Properties as of 2023.
My real estate business has never had more than SIX people on our internal team, averaging four people for most of my career. I know how to reduce the need for overhead.
Systems and Processes for scaling a business are my specialty, coupled with Right People Right Seats (aka building awesome loyal and effective teams).
Created Fixated Events LLC in 2016, took over the PNW real estate event space, created the Big Badass Real Estate Wealth Expo in Seattle, also the Maui Real Estate Mastermind with Brandon Turner, and Co-Created The Limitless Expo with Ken McElroy in 2022. Over 20,000 people have been to our events.
Created Fixated Funding LLC in 2021, a full service hard money lender for awesome real estate investors.
I work fully remote, I don’t go to my properties, I travel whenever I want, I focus on LIFE experiences. My discipline in business allows me to be free in my life, allows me to be present with those I love and present in the experiences I choose to have. This is what I value most.

Are we the right fit together?
There is a difference between COACHING and CONSULTING.
A coach, in my opinion, is someone that helps push you to do more and typically to do the things you already know you should be doing. They help you stay on track, be accountable, and overcome hurdles (mainly internally).
A consultant is usually someone that is an expert in a field of business. Someone that specializes in what you are looking for in your business to help you develop plans, processes, strategy, etc. A good consultant is someone that has already done what you are trying to do, and will also dive into your business and help piece it together so it can get to where you want it to go.
If you are looking for a motivational coach, this is not me. Go to Tony Robbins for that (I had one of his coaches before, it was great). I am more of a hybrid consultant/coach, with a high emphasis on consulting for your business. Sure, I will challenge you big time personally (we are usually the problem btw, not our business), but I will also dive into your business and start helping you piece it together the way you want it to be.
You have not done at least ten deals in your career (with exception to very large projects, or traditional business owners with $1M in top line revenue). If you think you are an exception to this…feel free to apply and see.
You want me to help you analyze deals…there are plenty of other people that can do this for you.
You don’t already have a team, or are not actively building one.
You aren’t looking for at least a 90 day consistent commitment to working together.
Your follow through sucks…if I give you a task or challenge to complete, will you actually do it?
You are not willing to look in the mirror and extreme ownership is someone else's problem not yours…cause ‘the market did this to me’ or ‘my team did ____’ or ‘insert excuses’
You want a hobby and not a business. I only coach people building a business, not people dabbling in it.
Your sense of humor is lacking…or you take yourself far too seriously, or worse, take everything far too personally.
And more…most of which will come out of the application below (which needs to be filled out fully).
What I specialize in when coaching/consulting:
Scaling real estate businesses (and some other types of businesses)
Systems and Processes to make effective teams
Recruiting amazing team members, Right People Right Seats
Thinking like a Business Owner, not self employed
Tearing down self built prisons within a business. Freeing the owner to do what they are best at
Strategy planning and execution
My connections and resources…I have a lot of them, I will make introductions and connections when deemed necessary.
Financial engineering, strategy and profitability
Overcoming ourselves, finding roadblocks, blindspots, bottlenecks. Getting everything to flow.
Personal stuff…which always comes up at some point whether we like it or not.
What I can promise you:
I will read every application and respond in a timely manner one way or another (1 to 2 weeks at most).
If we work together, I will never waste your time. Time is the only resource we cannot make more of, I cherish mine so I will cherish yours.
If I cannot help you or I think you are better off somewhere else, I will be upfront about it from the start
How it works, if we work together:
Bi-Weekly highly focused 1v1 meetings via zoom for 1.5 - 2hrs each meeting (2x a month on average). 100% focused on you and your business.
My cell phone number, you can reach out any time between meetings (with respect).
Behind the scenes review of your business, between meetings
Accountability checks
Access to my systems when applicable
I’m an open book with those I coach
Sporadic, scheduled ‘emergency’ meetings when necessary. (ie meet with your team, or you have a time sensitive issue, etc)
Hopefully we become friends too, then you can come to my birthday party.

Fill out the form below in full, be open and honest in your answers

I will read all applications

I will respond within 1 to 2 weeks max, even if we are not a fit at this time (or I already filled my spots)

If I think we might be a fit, I will schedule a 1v1 call so we can expand on your challenge and how I might be able to help.

I will go over how it all works, and if we are a match, we start getting after it.